Rosenwald, Julius

Rosenwald, Julius

Rosenwald, Julius
Cartoon 1
I: Individuals and Groups
Cartoon of philanthropist, businessman, and University of Chicago trustee Julius Rosenwald. "Other Millionaires Please Note -- this form of birthday party is not copyrighted." From the Chicago Record-Herald, August 12, 1912. Sentiment (lower left), To Mr. Julius Rosenwald, with the best wishes of the cartoonist, and the hope that you may enjoy many more birthdays, Ralph Wilder.
Rosenwald, Julius, 1862-1932 | Philanthropists | Businessmen | College trustees | Caricatures and cartoons
Cartoons (Humorous images); 39.1 x 35.7 cm
Wilder, Ralph Everett, 1875-1924
Rosenwald, Julius, Papers
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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