Norman Wait Harris Foundation

Norman Wait Harris Foundation

Norman Wait Harris Foundation
Asia Lecture Series, May 1949 2
III: Events
Asia Lecture Series at the University of Chicago, 25 to 29 May 1949. The 25th annual institute of the Norman Wait Harris Memorial Foundation in International Relations dealt with the topic of Nationalism and Regionalism in South Asia. Delegates at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, from left: Quincy Wright, professor of international law and chairman of the Memorial Foundation Committee; Professor Benoy Sarkar, Department of Economics, Calcutta University; Phillips Talbot, director of the 1949 Institute, and visiting assistant professor of political science; Soedjatmoko, Indonesian delegate to the United Nations Security Council; Cora DuBois, Division of Research for Far East, U.S. Department of State; and, J. S. Furnivall, adviser to the government of the Union of Burma.
DuBois, Cora Alice, 1903-1991 | Furnivall, John Sydenham, 1878-1860 | Sarkar, Benoy Kumar, 1887-1949 | Soedjatmoko, 1922-1989 | Wright, Quincy, 1890-1970 | Talbot, William Phillips, 1915-2010
Acme News Pictures
Photographic prints; 19.5 x 23.9 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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