Baseball, 1929

Baseball, 1929

Baseball, 1929
Team 2
V: Sports
University of Chicago Baseball Team, 1929. From left, fifth row: Herbert Orin Crisler (coach); fourth row: Charles Marshall Fish, Harold John Bluhm, Robert J. Tipler; third row: Samuel Walker Van Dyne, Francis Marion Cooper, Wilbur John Urban, Arthur Ripley Cahill; second row: Kenneth Pierce, Robert Kaplan (captain), William Allen Knowles; first row: Philip B. Smith, Hayden Blackwell Wingate, Maurice Fenelon Holahan, John Rudyard Gray.
Crisler, Herbert Orin, 1899-1982 | Fish, Charles Marshall | Bluhm, Harold John | Van Dyne, Samuel Walker | Wingate, Hayden Blackwell | University of Chicago--Baseball
Photographic Prints; 19.2 x 27.5 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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