Yerkes Observatory Buildings, Instruments, Equipment, Grounds

Yerkes Observatory Buildings, Instruments, Equipment, Grounds

Yerkes Observatory Buildings, Instruments, Equipment, Grounds
Landscape 31:1509 (2008-003)
VI: Yerkes Observatory
Yerkes Observatory grounds with the oval and the Snow Building grounds to the north. Sherburne W. Burnham and Henry Gordon Gale in the distance. Photograph taken in the autumn of 1914.
Burnham, Sherburne Wesley, 1838-1921 | Gale, Henry Gordon, 1874-1942 | Grounds (Open spaces) | Driveways | Lawns (Landscaped grass)
Glass plate negatives; 19.7 x 24.8 cm
Olmsted, John Charles, 1852-1920
373 West Geneva Street | Williams Bay, Wisconsin
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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