Planets, Minor

Planets, Minor

Planets, Minor
433 Eros (1898 DQ) 96:53 (2008-003)
VI: Yerkes Observatory
Trail of 433 Eros (1898 DQ), a near-earth asteroid. Photograph taken with the Yerkes Observatory 40-inch refractor telescope, February 16, 1931 (exposure 1 hour, 30 minutes).
Witt, Carl Gustav, 1866-1946 | Eros (Asteroid) | Near-earth asteroids | Asteroids | Refracting telescopes | Astronomical photography
Van Biesbroeck, George, 1880-1974
Lantern slides; 7.2 x 6.8 cm
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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