Gray, Hanna Holborn

Gray, Hanna Holborn

Gray, Hanna Holborn
Group 14
I: Individuals and Groups
Academics and business people from Venezuela attend a reception given by Hanna Holborn Gray, president of the University of Chicago (1978-1993). Among those attending: Humberto Fernández Morán, Alberto Vollmer, Henrik Blohm, Ivan Lansberg Henríquez, and Mauricio Garcia Araujo.
Gray, Hanna Holborn, born 1930 | Fernández Morán Villalobos, Humberto, 1924-1999 | Vollmer, Alberto | Blohm, Henrik | Henríquez, Ivan Lansberg | Garcia Araujo, Mauricio, 1930-2012
Photographic prints; 12.6 x 17.7 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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