Chicago Lying-In Hospital

Chicago Lying-In Hospital

Chicago Lying-In Hospital
Premature Nursery Opening 1
II: Buildings and Grounds
Opening of the Lying-In Hospital's premature nursery at the University of Chicago. From left: Mary Quinlan, head nurse; Marcia D. Kimpton, hospital board member; Dr. M. Edward Davis, hospital's chief of staff; Mrs. Rosencrans Baldwin, hospital board vice-president; Dr. Francis Howell Wright, professor and chair of the department of Pediatrics ; and, Miss G. Phelps, student nurse.
Quinlan, Mary | Kimpton, Marcia Drennon, 1914-1963 | Davis, Morris Edward, born 1899 | Wright, Francis Howell, 1908-1992 | Nurses | Nurseries (Rooms)
News-Ad Photography
Photographic prints; 19.5 x 24.1 cm
5841 S. Maryland Avenue | University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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