Athletics, Men's

Athletics, Men's

Athletics, Men's
Football, 1933 2
IV: Student Activities
Chicago and Purdue staged their battle on the football field on the rain-soaked gridiron before a crowd of 10,000 fans. This was the first Big Ten game for Chicago under their new leader, Coach Shaughnessy. Here is Purvis of Purdue with the ball going around end for a gain. The final score is Chicago 0, Purdue 14.
Shaughnessy, Clark Daniel, 1892-1970 | Stagg Field (University of Chicago) | Purdue University--Football | University of Chicago--Football | College sports | Football players
International News Photos
Photographic prints; 15.5 x 20.5 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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