Student Groups, Women's

Student Groups, Women's

Student Groups, Women's
Informal 6
IV: Student Activities
Clementine Van der Schaegh (right), a young co-ed at the University of Chicago, would not say who her letter was from, but by the smile on her face it must be important news from an important person. And, there is always time between classes on the Midway to enjoy a little sunshine and even get in a little time for study. Soon Spring Fever will pounce on the undergraduates and then maybe it will not be so easy to learn one's lessons. Others in the picture, from left are: Mary Adele Crosby, Louise Huffaker, and Mary Gifford
College students | Group photographs | Books | Stairways
Photographic prints; 20.9 x 27.4 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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