Football, 1898

Football, 1898

Football, 1898
Team 1
V: Sports
University of Chicago Football Team, 1898. From left, fifth row: Walter Joseph Schmahl, Hugh Guthrie Leighton, Walter James Cavanagh, Clarence James Rogers, Frank Louis Slaker, Hiram Boardman Conibear (trainer); fourth row: Mark Asa Cleveland, Theron Winfred Mortimer, Jonathan Edward Webb, Orville Silvester Burnett; third row: Edwin George Allen, Ralph C. Hamill, Walter Scott Kennedy (captain), Kellogg Speed, Amos Alonzo Stagg (coach); second row: Clarence Bert Herschberger, Maurice Gordon Clarke, Bert James Cassels; first row: Peter Knolla, Joseph Chalmers Ewing, James Roland Henry.
Schmahl, Walter Joseph | Cleveland, Mark Asa | Burnett, Orville Silvester | Mortimer, Theron Winfred | Knolla, Peter | Conibear, Hiram Boardman, 1871-1917
Photographic Prints; 18.8 x 28.4 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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