Neukom, John and Neukom, Ruth

Neukom, John and Neukom, Ruth

Neukom, John and Neukom, Ruth
Informal 1
I: Individuals and Groups
John Neukom and Ruth Neukom are pictured at an alumni event hosted by the University of Chicago Bay Area Alumni Club. Mr. Neukom was a trustee and alumnus of the university (Ph.B., 1934), and management consultant with McKinsey & Company.
Neukom, John Goudey, 1912-1987 | Neukom, Ruth Horlick, 1915-2002 | Consultants | College trustees | University of Chicago--Alumni and alumnae | McKinsey and Company
Galloway, Dennis
Photographic prints; 11.7 x 16.4 cm
Berkeley, California
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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