Booth, Wayne C.

Booth, Wayne C.

Booth, Wayne C.
Group 2
VII: Chicago Maroon
Wayne C. Booth, the George M. Pullman Distinguished Service Professor in English, leaves a meeting on the University of Chicago campus that was convened to appoint a student chairman to negotiate demands between students and the administration. Protests erupted and a sixteen-day sit-in was staged over the university's refusal to renew for a second term the appointment of Marlene Dixon, a professor of Sociology.
Booth, Wayne Clayson, 1921-2005 | Dixon, Marlene, 1936-2008 | College teachers | Student protesters | Demonstrations
Stelter, Paul
Photographic prints; 16.5 x 11.4 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center
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