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Basketball, Women's: 1975 Season 1Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Cross-Country, Men's 9Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Cross-Country: Competitions 2Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Football: 1975 Season 1Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Football: 1975 Season 2Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Tennis, Women's 23Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Tennis, Women's 26Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Tennis, Women's 27Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Tennis, Women's 32Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Basketball Team Portraits 2Series IV: Student Activities
Informal 1Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Informal 1Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 2Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Informal 2Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 3Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Informal 4Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Informal 5Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Informal 6Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Group 1Series I: Individuals and Groups
Interior 6Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Group 2Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 3Series I: Individuals and Groups
Courtyard 26Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Bartlett Gymnasium 2Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Festival of the Arts 1Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Festival of the Arts 2Series VII: Chicago Maroon
High-risk Nursery 1Series II: Buildings and Grounds
High-risk Nursery 2Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Exterior, Courtyard 1Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Exterior, Courtyard 2Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Exterior, General 1Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Exterior, Tower 4Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Group 4Series I: Individuals and Groups
Group 5Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 7Series I: Individuals and Groups
Group 3Series I: Individuals and Groups
James Franck, 1975 1Series III: Events
Group 25Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 6Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 9Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 10Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 11Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 12Series I: Individuals and Groups
Formal 1Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 4Series I: Individuals and Groups
Theater 40Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Informal 8Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 13Series I: Individuals and Groups
Informal 14Series I: Individuals and Groups
First Unitarian Church 4Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Murals (Various) 3Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Urban Renewal 1Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Urban Renewal 17Series VII: Chicago Maroon
From Midway 15Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Formal 1Series VII: Chicago Maroon
Reading Rooms 16Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Group 13Series I: Individuals and Groups
Group 16Series I: Individuals and Groups
Exterior 3Series II: Buildings and Grounds
Entrance 1Series II: Buildings and Grounds