McDonald Observatory

McDonald Observatory

McDonald Observatory
82-inch Reflector Telescope 6
II: Buildings and Grounds
Astronomer Walter Linke, seated at the telescope control board, is photographed from the dome of the McDonald Observatory. Both the 82-inch reflector telescope he is operating and the observatory in the Davis Mountains of western Texas were designed and built by the Warner & Swasey Company of Cleveland, Ohio. After its dedication May 5, 1939, the observatory will be jointly operated by the University of Texas and the University of Chicago.
Linke, Walter | Astronomical observatories | Telescopes | Science rooms and equipment | Control boards (Electrical engineering)
Warner & Swasey Company
Photographic prints; 24.3 x 19.7 cm
Davis Mountains, Texas
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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