Track, 1952

Track, 1952

Track, 1952
Junior Varsity Team 2
V: Sports
University of Chicago Junior Varsity Track Team, 1952. From left, second row: Roger Forsythe, Robert Zener, Sherrard Gray, Robert Alter, Palmer Pinney, Dewey Jones, Donald Williams, Andrew Donahue, Robert Appleman, Robert Burkhardt, Edward M. Haydon (coach), Elliot Kulick, Bruce Landry, Wayne Musilek; first row: Paul Neimark, John Crawford, Donald Gustin, Kent Morest, Fred Dimetros, Walter Green, Gilbert Ginsburg, Gene Terry.
Appleman, Robert | Burkhardt, Robert | Kulick, Elliot | Landry, Bruce | Ginsburg, Gilbert | Terry, Gene
Photographic Prints; 10.4 x 13.2 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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