Title | Harrell, William B. |
View | Group 24 |
Series | I: Individuals and Groups |
Description | Signing a tripartite agreement to operate Argonne National Laboratory. William B. Harrell (seated, right), vice-president of Business Affairs and Special Projects represented the University of Chicago, while others at the table acted for the Atomic Energy Commission, and the Argonne Universities Association (a corporation of 30 universities). |
Subject Terms | Harrell, William B., died 1991 | College administrators | Management contracts | Argonne Universities Association | U.S. Atomic Energy Commission | Argonne National Laboratory |
Photographer | Argonne National Laboratory |
Photograph Date | 1966-11-03 |
Physical Format | Photographic prints; 14.0 x 26.7 cm |
Location | Lemont, Illinois |
Collection | Archival Photographic Files |
Repository | University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center |
Image Identifier | apf1-02557 |
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