Hauser, Philip M.

Hauser, Philip M.

Hauser, Philip M.
Group 3
I: Individuals and Groups
Debating and Dramatics Club of the Central YMCA College of Chicago. From left, third row: Samuel Fried, Michael W. Grousd, Morris M. Rudich, Norman Tufte, Leon Weiss, Arthur A. Schy, M. Podolsky. Second row: William Klevs, Fred R. Hofeld, J. C. Keer, Philip M. Hauser, George Scher, Charles Swadesh, James M. Ballowe, J. B. Levin. First row: A. L. Wolfson, Harry M. Reiter, E. S. Wadsworth, Frank X. Cruikshank, Carlisle Bloxom, Carl Devinatz, and Charles Kirschbaum. Mr. Hauser later became the director of the Population Research Center, and the Lucy Flower Professor of Urban Sociology at the University of Chicago.
Hauser, Philip Morris, 1909-1994 | Fried, Samuel | Rudich, Morris M. | Hofeld, Fred R. | Tufte, Norman | Bloxom, Carlisle
Photographic prints; 19.7 x 25.0 cm
Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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