Kimpton, Lawrence A.

Kimpton, Lawrence A.

Kimpton, Lawrence A.
Group 81
I: Individuals and Groups
Walter Prescott Webb (right), professor of History at the University of Texas, was awarded a Doctor of Laws degree at the University of Chicago convocation of December 19, 1958. Dr. Webb is pictured with university chancellor Lawrence A. Kimpton (center), and the convocation speaker Joshua C. Taylor (left), associate professor of Art at the university.
Kimpton, Lawrence Alpheus, 1910-1977 | Webb, Walter Prescott, 1888-1963 | Taylor, Joshua Charles, 1917-1981 | Historians | Art historians | Degrees, Academic
Bass, Leonard
Photographic prints; 18.5 x 23.5 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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