Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory
Aerial Views 4
II: Buildings and Grounds
Aerial view of the High Energy Physics Building at Argonne National Laboratory, taken September 26, 1963. This building joins the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS). Physicists who use the ZGS, many of them from Midwestern universities, have their offices and laboratories in this building. The building has a total floor area of 200,00 sq. ft. and an equipment assembly area of 10,000 sq. ft. which is serviced by 20-ton crane. A circular auditorium, in the foreground, seats 300.
Metallurgical Laboratory, Manhattan Engineer District
Research institutes (Buildings) | Laboratories
Argonne National Laboratory
Photographic prints; 20.4 x 26.7 cm
9700 S. Cass Avenue | Argonne, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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