Title | Argonne National Laboratory |
View | Staff and Equipment 2 |
Series | II: Buildings and Grounds |
Description | Prior to planting, tulip bulbs are checked for radioactivity. Dr. Norbert J. Scully, Chief of the Argonne Laboratory's Radiology Experiment Station, is shown as he detects and measures the degree of radioactivity remaining in the bulbs with a Geiger-Muller counter. |
Alternate Name(s) | Metallurgical Laboratory, Manhattan Engineer District |
Subject Terms | Scully, Norbert J. | Research institutes | Laboratories | Geiger counters | Science rooms and equipment |
Photographer | Argonne National Laboratory |
Photograph Date | Undated |
Physical Format | Photographic prints; 20.7 x 24.2 cm |
Location | 9700 S. Cass Avenue | Argonne, Illinois |
Campus Grid | X08 |
Collection | Archival Photographic Files |
Repository | University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center |
Image Identifier | apf2-00475 |
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