Research Institutes

Research Institutes

Research Institutes
Cornerstone Laying 7
II: Buildings and Grounds
Left to right: Dr. Samuel K. Allison, Dr. Cyril Smith, and Dr. Thorfin Hogness at the speakers' podium, Research Institutes dedication.
James Franck Institute, Enrico Fermi Institute, Accelerator Building
Allison, Samuel King, 1900-1965 | Hogness, Thorfin Rusten, 1894-1976 | Smith, Cyril Stanley, 1903-1992 | Dedications (Ceremonies) | Podiums (Platforms)
Photographic prints; 7.0 x 9.8 cm
Schmidt, Garden & Erikson
5640 S. Ellis Avenue | University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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