Two-Year High School

Two-Year High School

Two-Year High School
Entrants Program, 1940s 2
III: Events
After two years of high school education, students enrolled at the University of Chicago get acquainted with the campus during their 8-day orientation period. Ready for a four-year program of general education are, from left: Richard A. Freeman, 13; Diane R. Darrow, 14; Charles Bidwell, 14; Barrie Seid, 14; Calla Lurie, 14; and, Dorothy Leiber, 14.
Freeman, Richard A. | Darrow, Diane R. | Bidwell, Charles | Seid, Barrie | Lurie, Calla | Leiber, Dorothy
Chicago Daily News
Photographic prints; 28.0 x 21.7 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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