Two-Year High School

Two-Year High School

Two-Year High School
Entrants Program, 1940s 3
III: Events
Begin college career at 13. With other youngsters, Virginia Darrow, 13 of Chicago registers with LaVerne Pray for classes at the University of Chicago. Registering with her are, from left, David Wallom, 16, of Freeport, Illinois, and Joe Vowell, 16, of Bruston, Tennessee. The students are admitted after a series of tests, and high-school credits are not considered.
Darrow, Virginia | Pray, LaVerne | Wallom, David | Vowell, Joseph | High school students | Recording and registration
Chicago Daily News
Photographic prints; 28.0 x 21.5 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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