World War II

World War II

World War II
Army Specialized Training, Group Portraits 2
III: Events
Shown in the photograph in the ASTP class, two thirds of whom are college graduates, who have just completed at the University of Chicago, a special six months' course in personnel psychology to relieve a shortage in psychologists needed by the United States Army, in particular the Air Force. Trained by the members of the University Faculty in the departments of psychology, education and physiology, they will serve as psychological assistants in the Air Force and as classification specialists or personnel technicians in the ground force units. The former will help select flight crews and the latter will advise on army assignments and advise on educational and vocational problems. The two men sitting in front of the group are (left to right) Corporal Stanislaus Krochmal and Lieutenant David Quint, supervisors of the class under Major Herman E. Smith, commandant of the University of Chicago ASTP Unit.
Soldiers--Training of--United States | Military education | World War, 1939-1945 | Group photographs
Photographic prints; 16.5 x 24.0 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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