Baseball, 1894

Baseball, 1894

Baseball, 1894
Team 1
V: Sports
University of Chicago Baseball Team, 1894. From left, fourth row: Amos Alonzo Stagg (coach), Henry Gordon Gale, Henry Magee Adkinson, Scott Brown; third row: Harry Delmont Abells, Ralph Waldo Webster; second row: Frederick Day Nichols (captain), Charles Sumner Pike; first row: Forest Grant, Frank Earle Hering.
Gale, Henry Gordon, 1874-1942 | Brown, Scott | Abells, Harry Delmont | Webster, Ralph Waldo | Nichols, Frederick Day | University of Chicago--Baseball
Photographic prints; 22.1 x 27.3 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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