Baseball, 1915

Baseball, 1915

Baseball, 1915
Team 2
V: Sports
University of Chicago Baseball Team, 1915. From left, second row: Harlan Orville Page (coach), Harry John Flood, Fowler Beery McConnell, Laurens Corning Shull, Norman Gale Harte, Rowland Herbert George, John Herbert Nichols (assistant coach); first row: Ernest Dillard Cavin, Jr., Robert Nelson McConnell, Edward Fred Kixmiller, Laureston Winchester Gray (captain), Paul Raymond Des Jardien, James Edwin Cole, Wah Kai Chang.
Flood, Harry John | McConnell, Fowler Beery | Nichols, John Herbert | Chang, Wah Kai | Cavin, Ernest Dillard, Jr. | University of Chicago--Baseball
Photographic prints; 18.6 x 27.4 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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