Baseball, 1924

Baseball, 1924

Baseball, 1924
Team 1
V: Sports
University of Chicago Freshmen Baseball Team, 1924. From left, fourth row: Herbert Orin Crisler (coach), Joseph Howard Keller, Robert Aaron Lundy, Melvin George Barker; third row: James Randolph Webster, Robert William Conley; second row: Paul William O'Dea, William Rudolph Macklind, Jr., Walter Jolly; first row: Claude Louis Brignall, Roy Arthur Price.
Conley, Robert William | Macklind, William Rudolph, Jr. | Jolly, Walter | Price, Roy Arthur | Barker, Melvin George | University of Chicago--Baseball
Photographic prints; 19.8 x 23.6 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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