Wrestling, 1933

Wrestling, 1933

Wrestling, 1933
Team 1
V: Sports
University of Chicago Wrestling Team, 1933. From left, second row: Thomas John Barton, Louis Igert, Wilbur Craig, Sol DeLee Bamberger, Wayne Emerson Rapp, Raymond Wald, Raymond Weimerskirch, Julius Hauser; first row: Spyros K. Vorres (coach), Marvin A. Bargeman, John Jacob Heide, Bion Bradbury Howard (captain), Archie Henry Hubbard, Max M. Bernstein, Edward Joseph Bedrava.
Bedrava, Edward Joseph | Barton, Thomas John | Bamberger, Sol DeLee | Heide, John Jacob | Howard, Bion Bradbury | Hubbard, Archie Henry
Photographic Prints; 20.2 x 25.3 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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