Yerkes Observatory Buildings, Instruments, Equipment, Grounds

Yerkes Observatory Buildings, Instruments, Equipment, Grounds

Yerkes Observatory Buildings, Instruments, Equipment, Grounds
24-inch Reflector Telescope 71:32 (2008-003)
VI: Yerkes Observatory
Mirror cell of the Yerkes Observatory 24-inch Boller and Chivens reflector telescope is lowered through the shutter opening of the observatory's northeast dome.
Reflecting telescopes | Mirrors | Cranes (Equipment) | Observatory domes | Shutters (Opening components) | Boller and Chivens (Firm: South Pasadena, California)
Black-and-white negatives; 9.5 x 12.0 cm
Boller and Chivens
373 West Geneva Street | Williams Bay, Wisconsin
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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