Campus Activities and Events

Campus Activities and Events

Campus Activities and Events
Music (Various) 12
VII: Chicago Maroon
University of Chicago students Paul Martinez (left) and Keith Monson (right) sing with their band, Galaxy of Mailbox Whores, in Ida Noyes Hall library to celebrate the inauguration of new University of Chicago president Hugo F. Sonnenschein.
Martinez, Paul | Monson, Keith | Sonnenschein, Hugo Freund, born 1940 | Guitarists | Rock bands | Performances (Creative events)
Dawe, Christopher
Photographic prints; 11.3 x 16.4 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Maroon, October 22, 1993, p. 17
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center
Rights and ReproductionsCopyright held by Chicago Maroon

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