Athletics, Men's

Athletics, Men's

Athletics, Men's
Football, 1938 3
IV: Student Activities
University of Chicago's football future will be largely shaped by these newcomers to the Midway shown at spring practice with Coach Clark Shaughnessy. Left to right are Walter Maurovich, a Chicagoan, who is counted on to plug a gap in the Maroon line; Robert Scott, a transfer student from Dartmouth; Wallace Ottermyer, a fullback; Coach Shaughnessy and Robert Howard of California, an end.
Shaughnessy, Clark Daniel, 1892-1970 | Stagg Field (University of Chicago) | University of Chicago--Football | College sports | Football players
Photographic prints; 16.0 x 29.4 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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