Tennis, 1939

Tennis, 1939

Tennis, 1939
Team 1
V: Sports
University of Chicago Tennis Team, 1939. From left, second row: Raymond Elkins Daniels, Jr., John Paul Stevens, James Renwick Hill, Walter H. Hebert (coach), Robert G. Reynolds, John N. Crane; first row: Arthur Andrew Jorgensen, John W. Krietenstein, William E. Murphy (co-captain), Chester Walter Murphy (co-captain), Charles Victor Shostrom, Walter James Atkins, Jr.
Daniels, Raymond Elkins, Jr. | Stevens, John Paul, born 1920 | Hill, James Renwick | Reynolds, Robert G. | Crane, John N. | Shostrom, Charles Victor
Photographic Prints; 20.3 x 25.7 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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