Harrell, William B.

Harrell, William B.

Harrell, William B.
Group 43
I: Individuals and Groups
Sir Donald Perrott, member of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority for Finance and Administration, and T. B. Le Cren, general secretary of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Research Group, visit Argonne National Laboratory. From left: Louis A. Turner, laboratory deputy director; Sir Donald Perrott; William B. Harrell, vice-president of Business Affairs and Special Projects for the University of Chicago; Charles F. Shank, assistant comptroller for Audit, Atomic Energy Commission; Joan Pennington, secretary to Sir Donald; Edwin C. Weber, laboratory budget administrator; T. B. Le Cren; and James R. Gilbreath, assistant laboratory director.
Harrell, William B., died 1991 | Perrott, Donald Cyril Vincent, 1902-1985 | Le Cren, T. B. | Gilbreath, James R. | Nuclear reactors | Nuclear energy
Argonne National Laboratory
Photographic prints; 20.7 x 26.5 cm
Lemont, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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