Athletics, Men's

Athletics, Men's

Athletics, Men's
Track Team, 1899 1
IV: Student Activities
University of Chicago Track Team, 1899. From left, fifth row: Jerome Pratt Magee, William Alexander Gordon, George Eugene Tucker, Julian Frank Goodenow, George Alembert Brayton, Walter Joseph Schmahl, Stephen Truman Bowen; fourth row: Amos Alonzo Stagg (coach), Zellmer Roswell Pettet, Theron Winfred Mortimer, Horace Broadwell Street, Clarence Bert Herschberger, Alvin Bricker Snider; third row: Fred Graham Moloney, Lee Byrne, Byron Bayard Smith (captain), Donald Randall Richberg, Hiram Boardman Conibear (trainer); second row: Henry Berry Slack, Carter Van Vleck Brown, Parke Ross, Mortimer Brainerd Parker, Charles Vernon Drew; first row: Ralph C. Hamill, William Arthur Moloney, Daniel Pierson Trude, Charles Lindsey Burroughs, Ralph Curtiss Manning.
Magee, Jerome Pratt | Gordon, William Alexander | Tucker, George Eugene | Brayton, George Alembert | Bowen, Stephen Truman | Burroughs, Charles Lindsey
Photographic prints; 13.8 x 31.2 cm
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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